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Our Girls


"Zoey Bella Blair" is an AKC Havanese. Zoey is a black parti. She was born 7/20/2010. She came to us from Upstate NY. She is my circus pup. She is always surprising me with different moves & dancing. She is always jumping on her hind legs. She weighs in around 13 pounds.


"Dizzy Isabella Blair" is an AKC Havanese. Izzy is a chocolate parti. She was born in 1/22/2011. She came to us from Idaho (what a plane ride). She is my most protective of them all. She is my guard dog & always lets me know when someone is around. But boy does she love her belly rubbed. She weighs in around 13 pounds.


"Luna-Tic-Blair" is an AKC Havanese. Luna is black with white markings. She was born on 6/8/2012. She is a very petite little thing but has a big personality. She is will be my daughter's dog but she is really my baby. She loves to cuddle with me & has been an excellent first time mommy. She is my smallest mommy weighing about 8-9 pounds.


Blair Havanese

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